


Be.Spoke Mentorship

What is it?

Six months of practical workshops that take that niggle in your head, give it space to be developed with opportunities to share your work at scratch nights at The Unity Theatre 2024 and 2025. The idea must be based on lived experience, yours or others but this is essential.

When does it start?

Workshop sessions begin in October 2024.

Who is it for?

Female artists, based in the North West, 18+ who have an idea that needs space to be developed that is based on lived experience. You can be any age and at any point in your career. We recognise the need for more training and opportunities for mid career artists as well as early career artists that allow them to create work though workshops and devising. The only caveat is that it has to be a new idea. You may have done some research, have a sketch created, have some notes jotted down or simply lots of visual ideas but it cant have lived a life yet.

What happens?

You’ll have six workshops over six months (one per month in Liverpool on a wednesday evening). This involves creative support to develop the idea, practical exercises that focus on your own artists voice and style, opportunity to try and test ideas out, dramaturgical support and arts council application funding guidance. There will also be a public sharing of the work at a scratch night at The Unity Theatre in November 2024 and potentially another in 2025.

Does it cost?

This is a free opportunity.

Is there any funding attached?
YES! We have two £500 bursaries to help you access the workshops or bring the material to life.

How do I apply?

However suits you best. This could be a covering letter or a video. We need to know:

  • Who you are and why this will support your practice

  • What your experience is (don’t worry if you have no direct experience for example you may be an actor who wants to develop a piece as a theatre maker or a musician who wants to write a musical.)

  • An example of your own creative work

  • The idea, niggle, thought

  • Why you want to make this piece and think audiences will be interested in it

  • How you intend to use the bursary if successful

email; by August 31st.

How we work


“Emma and Sarah have an incredibly nuanced and tailored approach to working with lived experience. With their advice and support, their workshops gave me the tools to look deeper into my own practice to figure out what type of socially engaged theatre I wanted to make. Fast forward two years later, and I’ve written three plays using those tools to make lived experience at the centre of their creation” Sasha Georgette

“All Things Considered empowered me as a theatre maker giving me solid tools and thinking exercises to get my ideas off the ground- so grateful for it! Since working with All Things I have created and performed my own work! I usually let an idea fester in my mind until its rotten and I convince myself out of it but working with Emma and Sarah was invaluable now my ideas live in the real world. Highly recommend their workshops far and wide!” Alice Way