Be.Spoke Mentorship
Six months of practical workshops that take that niggle out of their heads, gives it space to be developed with opportunities to share their work at a scratch nights at The Unity Theatre 22nd May 2025.
Welcome to our first cohort of brilliant women!

How we work
“Emma and Sarah have an incredibly nuanced and tailored approach to working with lived experience. With their advice and support, their workshops gave me the tools to look deeper into my own practice to figure out what type of socially engaged theatre I wanted to make. Fast forward two years later, and I’ve written three plays using those tools to make lived experience at the centre of their creation” Sasha Georgette
“All Things Considered empowered me as a theatre maker giving me solid tools and thinking exercises to get my ideas off the ground- so grateful for it! Since working with All Things I have created and performed my own work! I usually let an idea fester in my mind until its rotten and I convince myself out of it but working with Emma and Sarah was invaluable now my ideas live in the real world. Highly recommend their workshops far and wide!” Alice Way